Brainspotting intensives allow for faster healing and more flexibility than weekly therapy.
A Brainspotting intensive may be the right fit for you if:
You feel like you need a lot of help right now and you don’t want to spend months or years in traditional talk therapy to feel better.
Your schedule is so busy and demanding that a weekly therapy appointment feels more overwhelming than supportive. And you don’t want to have to sit on a wait list for weeks or months before being seen.
You have been in weekly therapy and the wounds from your past still haunt you. You feel like you are just trying to survive between sessions and are frustrated with your lack of progress.
Your relationships are really suffering because your traumatic experiences get in the way of feeling safe with others.
Stop feeling so triggered and disconnected from yourself
What Brainspotting Intensives help with:
Negative self talk and limiting beliefs, such as feeling like I’m not good enough, I’m unlovable, I’m not worthy, something is wrong with me, or I’m broken.
Childhood abuse or neglect, including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
Sexual assault, domestic violence, accidents, illness, medical trauma, or death of someone close to you.
Narcissistic abuse: control, manipulation, and shaming behaviors, which may have led to low self-esteem, codependency, or unhealthy patterns in relationships.
What is a Brainspotting Intensive:
Intensives focus on very specific treatment goals, with personalized treatment plans. Instead of beginning with what might be coming up between sessions, the focus is on diving deeply into the particular problem you want to solve in a safe and focused environment.
Intensives allow you to skip the wait list by giving you faster access to weekend appointments, and are designed to support a faster timeline for your treatment goals. You don’t have to take time off of work to do your healing work.
Intensives allow the opportunity to work through and process your symptoms and concerns in a more focused and quicker way without the interruption of a typical 45, 50, or 60 minute session.
Prior to the intensive sessions, we will have a 90-minute pre-intensive session to discuss treatment goals for the intensive. We’ll explore trauma, distressing experiences, negative beliefs, and focus on what you want relief from. This allows us to really hone in on what you want to process during the Brainspotting intensive sessions.
Sessions during the weekend intensive include a 90-minute pre-intensive session followed by two 90-minute Brainspotting sessions for a total of 4 and a half hours.
What are the fees for a Brainspotting Intensive:
Personalized Brainspotting Intensives are four and a half hour programs. If you are not local to Santa Cruz or Los Gatos, California, I am able to offer Brainspotting via telehealth for California residents.
Intensive therapy is $450 for a 90-minute pre-intensive consultation and $450 for each 90-minute Brainspotting session. The total cost for a four and a half hour intensive is $1350. ($300 per hour).
I offer a free 30 minute video consultation to discuss your needs and interest in a personalized intensive program.
How is a Brainspotting Intensive more structured, efficient, and cost effective than weekly therapy?
Weekly therapy typically looks like:
10 to 15 minutes checking in about the previous session.
20 to 30 minutes of Brainspotting processing
5 to 10 minutes of closing the session
Life happens and stuff usually pops up in between sessions. You may have to shift the focus of your session from the original issue or trauma you wanted to process.
So you might be in weekly therapy for multiple months and still not be addressing the original issue or trauma that brought you to therapy.
Intensive therapy typically looks like:
10 to 15 minutes checking in about a specific focus
70 minutes of Brainspotting processing
5 to 10 minutes of closing the session
You might fully resolve a stressor in 4 1/2 hours, costing $1350. (Please note, if you have complex issues or experienced ongoing trauma, you will likely need additional intensive sessions).
You are doing more work over a shorter period of time, decreasing the need for longer term therapy.
You feel better, faster.
You don’t have to take time off of work to attend your sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will insurance cover some of the cost? Many insurance companies (PPO plans) reimburse a portion of the cost of psychotherapy. For insurance purposes, I am considered an out-of-network provider.
It's best to determine the exact details of your policy ahead of time, including what benefits are available regarding out-of-network providers and if your insurance will reimburse several hours of therapy in one day or one week.
I courtesy bill for services included in intensive using a service called Thrizer. Please note that in order to bill insurance, a diagnosis must be provided to the insurance company.
I recommend calling the customer service number on the back of your insurance card in order to get details about your specific plan.
I’m happy to provide more information to help with this process.